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The Wartime Leadership Podcast

Resiliency looks different to everyone and manifests differently in all of us. We often focus on physical, emotional, and social areas but too often neglect the spiritual. People try to have a cookie-cutter approach and that doesn’t work on individuals w/ diverse perspectives. Neglecting any pillar can cause the foundation to come crashing down. We’ll explore what spiritual resilience looks like in our guests who are first responders, military, pastors, athletes, and many, many more. We will tackle the difficult questions and better define what spiritual resiliency can look like in our lives.

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March 12, 2024

Episode 84: The Resiliency of Brian "THE BRAIN" Bickman

THE Wartime Leadership Podcast: The Resiliency of Podcaster, Musician, Veteran Brian “The Brain” Bickman! With a foundation in the Christian faith, Brian’s life has revolved around searching and discovering what brings peace…
Feb. 27, 2024

Episode 83: The Resiliency of Divorced, but NOT denied, Dad Dwight Scott

THE Wartime Leadership Podcast: The Resiliency of divorced, but not denied, dad Dwight Scott! Dwight is a retired US Air Force Security Forces member AND a former teamie of mine when we served as Military Training Instructor…
Feb. 20, 2024

Episode 82: The Resilience of Actor Steve Martin (No...not that one)

THE Wartime Leadership Podcast: The Resiliency of Actor Steve Martin (No...not that one). If you watched the Super Bowl, you probably saw Steve make a huge impact with a commercial he was cast in for the He Gets Us (hegetsus…
Oct. 3, 2023

A message from THE Wartime Leadership Podcasting team...

After long hours (and some health scares) we need to take a little break to collect ourselves to come out swinging. We look forward to coming back with new messages of resilience and what it looks like fully developed. See y…
Sept. 26, 2023

Episode 81: The Resiliency of Ghost Helper Tina Erwin

THE Wartime Leadership Podcast: The Resiliency of Ghost Helper Tina Erwin. Tina is passionate about being a "Ghost Helper." Her mission is to teach the living how to help the dead. She wants to empower everyone to help any g…
Sept. 19, 2023

Episode 80: The Resiliency of Cuckoo’s Nest Survivor, Ethan Bach

THE Wartime Leadership Podcast: The Resiliency of Cuckoo’s Nest Survivor, Ethan Bach. Ethan was living a pretty mundane life, until a brain tumor at age 17 brought him many disabilities, addictions, and FIVE hard-to-believe …

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